Stockholm - 14th August

Woke up about 8:30, then panicked that brekkie finished at 9. Fought our way into the breakfast jumble sale, grabbing what we could, only to find that it actually finished at 09:30.

Got a day pass on the metro, and headed off to the centre so we could see the changing of the guard at the palace.

The marching band lead the regular soldiers to the palace, and so we marched behind them with the other tourists racing to get the best photo spot. There are guards there that were getting pretty irate with people being the wrong side of the rope, especially when a tour guide led a while group right up to the front door of the palace,  but unfortunately no showing of force.

After that excitement, we had a tour of the palace, which took a good few hours, each room slightly more impressive than the last to keep your attention, including the crown jewels, where somebody got shouted at for touching the cabinets. 

The palace is on a small island, which is one of the oldest in terms of housing, so had a mooch around there, taking photos and looking in the souvenir shops like proper tourists. One highlight I'd found was a narrow alleyway that narrowed to 90cm! Turned out it was like any alleyway in the UK, with graffiti, just more tourists.

Spent the evening wandering around the metro stations taking photos. 


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